Here are some projects I’ve worked on over the years.

(This is just the stuff that’s not under NDA. For info on the rest of my work, see my résumé.)


This is my Ludum Dare 56 entry in the “Compo” category.
It’s also the first Vision Pro Game I’ve written in Unity.

Land a spaceship in your living room!

An iOS App to view patient brain scans in 3D.

A virtual Bluebird flies around and lands on your finger.

ResistorVision instantly tells you the value of any resistor you point your iPhone’s camera at.

A computer vision framework for iOS that allows you to quickly create apps that use the OpenCV library.

A touch-sensitive case for the back of your iPad. Lets you control your iPad without moving your hands.

An iOS AR Viewer for Geopogo’s architectural rendering system.

A green screen app for iOS that uses your body temperature to separate you from the background.

Up Periscope was the first video game I ever worked on, back in 1986

An app for the Pebble smart watch that lets your view your iPhone’s camera from the watch screen.

MultiTimer was an app that let you run multiple timers simultaneously.

PumpHouse was a graphical client for The Well online community.